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Drupal vs WordPress

Drupal vs WordPress

Drupal vs WordPress

Drupal and WordPress are two of the most widely used Content Management Systems. Both servers as open – source and user – friendly solutions to your CMS needs. But picking the right CMS for your business depends on your long – term and short – term goals.


What Is Drupal ?

Drupal is a free and open – source enterprise – level CMS that helps you build complex websites and web applications. Drupal provides features like reliable performance, strong security, and reliable customizability. Drupal supports content management, collaborative authoring, podcasts, image galleries, p2p networking, and much more. It is easier to handle for professionals who are fluent in coding and web technology.

Drupal has a huge open source community with more than one million dedicated developers, designers, trainers, strategists, editors, and sponsors worldwide. In addition, it has regional groups and meetups taking place in different parts of the world. In addition, DrupalCon events are organized where users can take skill training and level up their skills.

Some examples of Drupal sites: the University of Colorado, The Economist, Dallas Cowboys, and

What Is WordPress ?

WordPress has been on the market for more than a decade now and it has grown into the most popular content management system. It is an easy and user – friendly platform that comes with a one – click installation. Once WordPress is up and running, you will get to work with the most intuitive interface called a dashboard, which helps you maintain your website with ease. You can easily add content, delete, and customize your website’ s pages with simple and easy options. WordPress has become the best asset for bloggers around the world.

Some examples of WordPress sites:, Sony Mobile, University of Washington, Mercedes Benz, TechCrunch, and The New Yorker

Why WordPress and Drupal Are Both Great

  1. Both Drupal and WordPress are open – source solutions, which means they are free to use and develop further. This makes them both affordable and customizable to meet your specific needs.
  2. Both platforms are popular and therefore widely known and used throughout the web development world. If you have an issue or don’ t know how to do something, you’ ve got access to a community of developers and users who can help you find the best solution.
  3. While both Drupal and WordPress are considered user – friendly platforms, some may argue whether they’ re equally user – friendly. In comparison to proprietary solutions, they’ re both considered to be easy to use.

Drupal vs WordPress Comparison

User – Friendly: WordPress is more user – friendly than Drupal.

Search Engine Optimization Links: WordPress and Drupal both were constructed to create search – engine – friendly sites and it provides many SEO modules / plugins to enhance the site traffic. Native caching is supported by Drupal out of the box, whereas WordPress needs additional plugins for caching. Page caching leads to faster load times and a very useful metrics to boost your page rank.

Flexibility: While WordPress is highly adaptable, Drupal has a reputation
for developing much more robust websites.

Customization: Blog and website customization are really crucial. Both Drupal and WordPress allow for customization. Drupal gives you many more options but is more difficult to use.

Managing Multi – Site: To manage multiple sites, WordPress requires you to download WordPress MU. With Drupal, you can manage multiple websites straight from Drupal.

Security: The security of WordPress is not as good as the security of Drupal. WordPress gets hacked without any difficulty but in Drupal,if any bug or danger is seen, it is scanned and fixed on the spot.

Community: Community impact plays a vital role and is a big difference. WordPress has more than 100, 000 followers on Twitter and more than 250, 000 fans on Facebook, while Drupal has only 21, 000 followers on Twitter and approximately 20, 000 fans on Facebook.

Final Words

WordPress is highly affordable and allows for customizability down the road. If you’ re not sure what the future will bring, WordPress is a great place to start.

Q: Looking for the Fastest Set Up ?

A :Regardless of your web development expertise, WordPress will typically allow for the fastest set – up time, as long as you’ re not building anything too complex.

Q: Looking for a Robust Solution ?

A : If you know your needs are complex and that your website will require robust functionality, it’ s worthwhile to invest in Drupal from the start. It may take longer to develop, but it will be worth the time and cost.

Q: Looking for more security ?

A : Drupal does not power as many websites as WordPress, but when it comes to security Drupal is a clear winner. Security is a significant feature of Drupal.

Q: Looking for more Themes and Plugins ?

A : WordPress offers tons of themes and plugins to boost the functionality of your site. Even those who are non – technical can install and use the extensions. There are heaps of free themes that you can use for your website with amazing functionality.

Q: Looking for Faster CMS ?

A : When it comes to speed, Drupal has an advantage and it can generate high – speed websites in no time. Since the Drupal CMS isn’ t very resource – intensive it can help to produce very high performing and fast loading websites. The options like website caching can improve performance even further. This makes Drupal better equipped to handle websites that have thousands of pages.

Divya PM

Posted in: Oct 30, 2019

By Divya PM