Facebook has come a long way. What started as a university dorm room project has become the go-to social networking platform for one sixth of humanity. Today Facebook boasts an ad community two million strong, and counting. To address the needs of this advertising community, Facebook has rolled out an app which is sure to make life more flexible.
This mobile app, currently available only on the iOS platform for the US market, helps advertisers create new ads or monitor current ads, and makes managing Facebook ads much easier than ever before. It’s called Ads Manager App.
Tasks that you can perform with the Ads Manager App while on the go include:
Facebook recognized all the small- and medium-size business enterprises that have ad campaigns on their platform, and paid homage to them with a thoughtful and inspiring ad that ends with two big words from Mark Zuckerberg: “Thank You”.
Facebook illustrated an international mix of entrepreneurs who actively contribute to the global economy in their own ways while at the same time providing useful services and jobs in their own communities. The Ads Manager App is sure to be of benefit to all those entrepreneurs and, Facebook hopes, to the 1.3 billion strong Facebook user community as well.
Let us know what you think of this new Facebook app for advertisers!
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