At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Google announced the roll out of viewability reporting across its ad platforms. They’ve also added over 30 broadcasters, premium publishers, and major brands to Google Partner Select, the premium video service they launched last year. This move will help marketing professionals understand whether consumers are actually watching their online video ads.
Google will report the percentage of an advertiser’s or publishers’ video ads which were at least 50% in view for at least two seconds in keeping with the Media Ratings Council’s standard. Statistics will be available for campaigns powered via Google’s DoubleClick ad-technology, including the ad exchange. These viewability reports will be available to advertisers and publishers using Google’s DoubleClick reporting tools.
Allstate, BMW and Netflix are a few of Google Partner Select’s early adopters. During the marketplace’s tests, the video ads had 74 percent completion rates. In the coming months, Google plans to offer its marketers the ability to target viewable impressions in DoubleClick and buy viewable video impressions across the Google Display Network, as well as reports on audibility and the total time their video ads were viewable.
Video promotion is 6 times more effective than print or online, 67.3% marketers plan on increasing their video budget, and adding videos to landing pages increases conversions by 90%. Interesting video content, appropriate distribution channels and real-time analytics are key to a successful video centric campaign. Talk to our Visibility Accelerators on how to take your video viral.