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Copy Writer vs. Content Writer: Which One is Right For You?

Copy Writer vs. Content Writer: Which One is Right For You?

Content creation is the lifeblood of digital marketing.

It’s a given that customers aren’t just going to stumble on your business while browsing the internet unless your content compels them to. Content is the soul of digital marketing and any successful digital marketing campaigns, from search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and social media marketing (SMM) – all rely on top-notch content.

Every sentence and every paragraph of content represents your business – setting up a new opportunity for your business to connect with prospective customers. There’s a catch here – content types vary. There’s content writing, and there’s copywriting – the difference is night and day. While both are used in digital marketing strategy, campaigns, and on your website, they have different purposes.

It’s a common misconception among businesses that content writing and copywriting are interchangeable. If you hire a copywriter instead of a content writer (or vice versa), the result is not going to meet your expectations. A copywriter or a content writer’s ultimate goal is to influence their business’s bottom line, but that’s where the similarities end – if you use digital marketing for promotional purposes – we recommend you read on.

Table of Contents

  • What is Copywriting?
  • Examples of copywriting
  • Top Features of Copywriting
  • What Is Content Writing?
  • Content Writing Examples
  • Top Features of Content Writing
  • Difference Between Copywriter and Content Writer
  • Content Writer vs Copywriter Statistics
  • Conclusion

What is Copywriting and What is The Role of a Copywriter?

It involves the creation of content to persuade readers to engage with your business’s sales process. Put simply, copywriting is writing advertising copy. So, what’s effective copywriting? It’s content that immediately grabs the reader’s attention, and clearly promotes a product or idea – prompting the reader to take action (clicking a link or making a purchase).

Copywriters write persuasive short-form copies such as headlines, taglines, scripts for commercials, sales letters, product descriptions, and other types of advertising copy.

Copywriters work closely with marketers, creative directors, and designers to develop content that resonates with their target audience.

Examples of copywriting:

  • PPC landing pages
  • PPC ads
  • Cost-per-mille (CPM) ads
  • Social media ads
  • Product pages or brochures
  • Website sales copy or Website funnels
  • Sales emails or Direct emails
  • Short Message Service (SMS) ads
  • Conventional forms of advertising
  • Taglines

Top Copywriting Skills

A good copywriter possesses the combination of skills and qualities for writing a compelling content that captures and engages the target audience. Here are some important features of a good copywriter:

1. Persuasion Skills

A good copywriter is persuasive and can influence the target audience to take a desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a service, or subscribing to a newsletter.

2. Excellent Writing Skills

A good copywriter must have excellent writing skills along with grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation.

3. Understanding of the Target Audience

A good copywriter understands the target audience, their motivations, and their pain points. This will help in generating a copy that resonates with the target audience.

4. Research skills

A good copywriter is adept at researching and gathering information on the topic they are writing about. This helps them create accurate, informative, and persuasive content.

5. Creativity

A good copywriter is creative and can develop unique ideas and perspectives that make their content stand out.

The sole purpose of copywriting is to persuade. They use emotion to compel the reader to action. You’ll want to hire a copywriter if you’re hoping to sell something on your website through ads, email, or direct response materials.

The primary objective is to understand sales psychology and human behavior. Copywriters use this understanding to craft copy highlighting a product’s features to create a unique selling proposition that addresses consumer demands and needs. Copywriters thrive on brevity and use emotion-based, short-form text that grabs attention and directs consumer behavior. According to research conducted by Harvard University professor Gerald Zaltman, over 9 in 10, consumer purchases are driven by emotion.1

Marketing copy should be concise, using a limited number of words to convey the point and convince the consumer to take the desired action, whether to click a link or make a phone call.

What Is Content Writing and What is The Role of The Content Writer?

Content writing involves the creation of content to inform, educate or entertain readers. It drives sales, but that’s not its only purpose. With content writing, you create high-quality content to engage and entice the reader to learn more and empower the readers to make more informed purchasing decisions.

Content writers are specialized in creating high-quality and engaging content that appeals to the target audience, drives traffic, and achieves marketing goals.

Content writers may collaborate with other professionals such as designers, marketers, and editors to develop and optimize content for maximum impact.

Content Writing Examples

For example, a computer company may have datasheets or whitepapers on their current line-up of laptops that they intend to sell – those documents are providing useful and actionable information for consumers or a channel partner. Sales are the end goal, but content writing drives sales through exposure, and building consumer trust.

  • Advertorials
  • Blogs
  • Website articles/news articles
  • Evergreen articles
  • E-books
  • Social media posts generate leads and are aimed at a targeted audience
  • Tutorials
  • Emailer newsletters
  • Case studies

Top Content Writing Skills

To become a good content writer you should possess some excellent writing skills, creativity, and the ability to write in a tone that resonates with the target audience.

1. Excellent Writing Skills

A good content writer should have excellent writing skills and should be able to write clear, precise, and engaging content. They should be proficient in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

2. Creativity

A good content writer should be creative and should be able to come up with new content ideas and fresh perspectives. They should be able to present the information in a way that is interesting and engaging to the readers.

3. Research Abilities

Content writers should be able to conduct thorough research on the blog topic and gather relevant information to write a valuable article.

4. SEO Knowledge

A good content writer should have knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which would help them in optimizing their content to improve visibility and ranking in search engines.

5. Adaptability

Good content writers should be adaptable and able to write for various types of content, such as blog posts, social media posts, whitepapers, and product descriptions.

The sole purpose of content writing is to engage, inform or entertain. A content writer uses education to connect with the reader and to build trust.

About 6 in 10 consumers2 feel more optimistic about a company/brand after reading custom content on its site. If your goal is brand awareness, establishing thought leadership, demonstrating industry expertise, or creating educational materials for your customers – you’ll need to hire a content writer.

Content writers craft long-form content (between 500 – 2,500 words) that is optimized for search. They are usually skilled researchers and excellent writers. The best content writers are storytellers, weaving words into compelling and relatable content designed to connect on some level with the reader.

Differences Between Copywriters and Content Writers

Here are some key differences between copywriting and content writing:

Copywriter Content Writer
Purpose – To sell the target audience to the brand Purpose – Build trust and educate the users about the brand
Goal – Persuasion is their main goal Goal – To educate readers about the brand by writing a long descriptive content
Audience – They target the specific audience who are interested in buying the product/service Audience – They target the broader audience who may or may not be familiar with the topic
SEO – They mainly focus on the keywords and phrases which are designed to rank well in search engines SEO – Along with keywords they focus on creating high-quality content which will be valuable for the reader

Breakdown of Differences Between Copywriter and Content Writer

1. Purpose

The purpose of writing content for both copywriter and content writer is different from each other. Copywriter writes short-form catchy content which can persuade users to take action on the page.
While a content writer writes detailed long-form content to educate and inform the user about the brand. This will help in building trust and recognition of the brand among the users.

2. Main goals

Both the copywriter and content writer aim to improve the bottom line of the business. The only difference is that the path chosen by both professionals is different.
The copywriter writes the content focusing on short-term commitment. Their topmost priority is to persuade their users to take action. In other words, we can say that copywriter is majorly focused on increasing sales.
Content writing is a long-term commitment. It takes some time to build trust and recognition of the brand among the users. For this to achieve businesses need to post regularly to entertain and educate their target audience.

3. Audience

The target audience for both copywriting and content writing differs. Copywriting is designed in such a way that it will target only the specific audience who are interested in buying the product or service. The language and tone of the content would be more persuasive so that the target audience would take some action.
While for content writing the target audience would be broader as a content writer writes long-form content to inform and educate the readers who may or may not be familiar with the topic at hand. The language and tone of the content would be more informative.

4. SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important consideration for both copywriters and content writers. However, the approach to SEO is different for each.
The copywriter often focuses on specific keywords and phrases that are designed to rank well in search engines. The goal here is to make that copy appears on the top of the results when users search for those keywords.
The content writer also focuses on keywords along with the main focus would be on creating high-quality content that is valuable to the readers. By creating informative and engaging content the hope here will be that content will attract links and shares naturally, which will help in improving the search engine rankings.

Content Writer vs Copywriter Statistics

When it comes to the world of writing, there are two main types: content writers and copywriters.

Here are some statistics that highlight the differences between the two:

– Content writers focus on creating informative and educational content for websites, blogs, and social media. They typically earn an average salary of $50,000 per year.

– Copywriters, on the other hand, specialize in writing persuasive and promotional content for advertisements, sales pages, and marketing campaigns. They typically earn an average salary of $61,000 per year.

– The demand for content writers is expected to grow by 9% from 2019 to 2029, while the demand for copywriters is expected to grow by 3% during the same period.

– Content writing jobs are more prevalent in industries such as healthcare, finance, and technology while copywriting jobs are more common in advertising agencies and marketing firms.

– While both roles require strong writing skills, copywriters must also have a deep understanding of consumer psychology and marketing strategy.

Overall, whether you choose to pursue a career as a content writer or a copywriter will depend on your interests and strengths as a writer.

Dabbling in copy and content?

Can a content writer also craft compelling copy, and can a copywriter create useful content? Absolutely. A good writer can do both – the ability to juggle content and copy expand the writer’s options for future assignments.


Content brings an audience to the website – copy converts that audience into consumers.

In conclusion, the choice between a copywriter and a content writer ultimately depends on your specific needs. If you’re looking for persuasive writing that drives action and sales, a copywriter is your best bet. However, if you’re more interested in engaging your audience with informative and educational content, then a content writer is the way to go. Ultimately, both roles are important for any successful marketing strategy, and it’s important to find the right balance between them based on your goals and objectives.

FAQs on Copywriter vs Content writer

What industries hire copywriters and content writers?

The travel industry, the Healthcare industry, Nursing homes & assisted living facilities, Education, and Staffing & Recruiting.

How do copywriters create effective advertising messages?

Here are some guidelines for creating memorable advertising that really sells:

  • Make sure your ads are “on strategy” with your business positioning.
  • Go to where your customers are.
  • Communicate a simple, single message.
  • Stick with a likable style.
  • Be credible.

How do copywriters work with designers and other creatives?

Copywriters and designers are natural collaborators. Both share a common mindset: to create beautiful, effective things that engage people and achieve results. In other words, to build stuff you believe in.

What is the role of a content writer in SEO?

An SEO content writer understands search engine optimization and knows how to write content that’s informative, compelling, and relevant. However, they aren’t always effective when it comes to writing content intended to drive conversions.

How do content writers create engaging and informative content?

  • Address something your audience cares about
  • Think about the user need you’re going to fulfill
  • Make sure the headline indicates what you’re actually going to write about
  • Get your timing right
  • Understand which format fits at what time
Nishanth Belliappa

Posted in: May 26, 2023

By Nishanth Belliappa